Objekta nosaukums
Objekta nosaukums
Objekta nosaukums
Objekta nosaukums
Objekta nosaukums
Construction design, author supervision
Area: 3000 m2
2018 - 2019
Architecture, master plan
Area ~ 8500m2
2018 - 2019
Author’s supervision
Area: 2211,40 m 2
2018 - 2019
Project and author's supervision.
Area ~ 6500 m²
2011 - 2017
Project and author's supervision.
Area ~ 1250 m²
2015 - 2017
Competition proposal. Project.
Area: 2211, 40 m²
2016 - 2017
Renovation of Dairy Complex in Terveteand Renovation sketch of Horse Stall in Tervete. Area ~ 15 000 m². Area: 2 550 m²
2013 - 2017
Multifunctional hall in Kindergarten. Project and author's supervision.
2013 - 2016
Indoor, facade and entrance renovation.
Project, interior design, author’s supervision.
Project and author's supervision.
Area: 100 m²
2013 - 2014
A/S "Agrofirma Tērvete" reconstruction of the entrance to the store in Dobele.
2013 - 2014
Renovation of Garkalnes secondary school into an energy efficient low-energy house using environmentaly friendly materials.
Area ~3300 m²
2011 - 2014
Reconstruction of apartment building on Brivibas street.
Area ~ 11800 m²
Reconstruction of apartment building on Antonijas street.
Area ~ 6900 m²
Competition proposal.
The object area is ~ 11000 m²
Design contest proposals for two kindergardens in Ventspils - "VĀVERĪTE" and "Saulītes".
Area: 1 100 m²
Construction and author supervision
Area: 3 150 m²
Info center - Conference hall / equipment rental in active recreation center "Reina trase"
Area: 250 m²
Renovation of Wooden Residential Home in Jurmala.
Area: 35 m²
Renovation of brewery.
Area: 3 150 m²
The planning of the building is divided into 3 separate functional blocks:
* Cultural center with café
* Arts and Music School
* Office space for rent
Sketches for restaurant with recreation park outside the city of Yekaterinburg.
Area: 1 000 m²
Outpatient Center at 1 Lermontova Street.
Tender proposal (3rd prize) - Hourglass.
Area: 2 435 m²
Residental Block on Ganu Street.
Competition Proposal (2nd place).
Area: 17 700 m²
The layout of the building is devides in 4 functional zones:
*culture center,
*office area,
*art and music school.
Area: 7 000 m²
Air Traffic Control Center at Liepaja Airport.
Competition Proposal (2nd place).
Area: 1 100 m²
Reconstruction of beer brewery “Tervete” filling shop and office in Dobele region
Area: 800 m²
Reconstruction and Technical Project of Carnikava Region Council.
Competition proposal (1.st place).
Area: 1 700 m²
2007 - 2008
Sports complex will contain different gymnasiums. Half of the football field will be submerged in the ground and ofiices built around the whole complex to fit in the environment of Mezaparks.
Area: 46 500 m²
Row building project in Riga.
Area: each house - 400 m²
Residential House in Skarnu street.
Proposal For Competition - “Duality“.
Area: 1 200 m²
Guest house has 9 separate guest rooms. This three-storey building is designed with great views to skiing slope. Area: 200 m²
Several designs were made to search for the best solution and to fit the building in environment and create accent. Its sits in place where it’s in full view from junction of Rigas and Gaujas streets.
Area: 2 500 m²
Reconstruction Project of Cafe at Active Recreation Center "Reina trase". Café sits atop a ski slope. It is designed in 3 levels wherefrom ski slope is viewable in whole.
Area: 200 m²
Reconstruction of swimming pool and sports center on ground and second floor of high school in Adazi.
Awarded as the building of the year 2006 for the best “Plumbing work”.